
Name Dosha
Pokemon Ditto
Team Floaters
Team Floaters
Age 13
Size Smaller than Jolteon (Shorter than Greentea)
Nature Rash
Preferred Hand Both
Walking By Two Feet
Hometown Unknown
Living In Team Floaters Secret Base
Season 1
Balloonie TF Using Transform (Not Completely)
  • #Amorphous
  • #BalloonieTF(Ability)
  • #Inflation
  • #Transformation
  • #Macro
  • #InflatableTF(Ability)
  • #Flattening
  • #Shrinking


A clumsy and shy girl, usually getting nervous.

Dosha fell in love with Greentea at first sight, and she joined the Floaters to try getting closer to him. She is not good at transforming. The features of her original form keep when she tries to transform into other Pokemon. She usually keeps herself a Jolteon because she likes them.

Dosha can become a balloon using Transform, but her bad skill of transforming makes her body heavy when being a balloon. She is pretty afraid of popping.

Information of Balloonie

  • Position of Knot Tail
  • Limit of Inflation 🎈🎈🎈🎈
  • Controll Inflating Style
  • Air or Helium Helium
  • Favorite Hobby Floating and Relaxing
  • Feeling of Popping Fairly Afraid