
Name Macaron
Pokemon Fennekin
Team Pumpers
Team Pumpers (Leader)
Age Unknown
Size Average of Same Pokemon
Nature Naive
Preferred Hand Left
Walking By Two Feet
Hometown Somewhere of Kalos
Living In Team Pumpers Hose
Season 3
Balloonie TF (Original)
  • #BalloonFetish
  • #BalloonieTF(Ability)
  • #Inflation
  • #Macro
  • #InflatableTF(Situation)
  • #Transformation
  • #Flattening
  • #Shrinking


The leader of Pumpers, featuring pink fairy wings on his back.

Macaron admires Reynard so much that he wants to be Reynard's wife, even if they're both male. He is friendly to everyone except zerroa. He created the Pumpers to surport Reynard, and he often goes to the base of Floaters more than staying in his own.

Macaron enjoys physical contacts of balloons. He also love overiflation and popping, but he don't like someone pops balloons with sharp things.

Information of Balloonie

  • Position of Knot Tail
  • Limit of Inflation 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
  • Controll Inflating Style
  • Air or Helium Helium
  • Favorite Hobby Physical Contact with other Balloonies
  • Feeling of Popping Not Afraid but Hates being Popped by Shaped Things / Enjoying Popping by Overinflation