
Name Soujirou
Pokemon Snivy
Team Bursters
Team Bursters
Age 17
Size Average of Same Pokemon
Nature Docile
Preferred Hand Right
Walking By Two Feet
Hometown Nuvema Town, Unova
Living In Team Bursters Hideout
Season 2
Balloonie TF
  • #BalloonieTF(Ability)
  • #Inflation
  • #Macro
  • #InflatableTF(Situation)
  • #Transformation
  • #Flattening
  • #Shrinking


Soujirou looks gentle and decent, but he has a hobby imagining swallowing other Pokemon, like Zerror, and he doesn't hide it at all.

Soujirou is a friend of Alphy who invite him to the Bursters. He enjoys talking about swallowing with Tachibana and Zelly. He knows that Zelly likes to imagine swallowing a Grass-type Pokemon, and he is happy to support Zelly.

Soujirou is not really interested in balloons, but he tries to found how to use their balloonie bodies in their imagination. He is not afraid of popping.

Information of Balloonie

  • Position of Knot Tail
  • Limit of Inflation 🎈🎈🎈🎈
  • Controll Inflating Style
  • Air or Helium Air
  • Favorite Hobby Physical Contact with other Balloonies
  • Feeling of Popping Not Afraid