
Color Palette

  • Eyes, Gemstone, Dark Part of Hair on Neck

  • Body

  • Hair on Neck, Patterns of Body

Name Carbuncle
Species Carbuncle
Attribute Fire
Pronoun He / Him
Age Unknown
Height 0.5m
Preferred Hand Right
Favorite Color Red
  • #Lunartian
  • #Inflation
  • #Transformation


A small beast that floats lightly in the air. The forest where they live with Dryad is destroyed, and then they mistake Wingfox and others who happen to pass by for criminals and attack them. After the misunderstanding was cleared up, he and Undine, who was staying in the forest as a helper, became a member of Wingfox and his group.

Contrary to his lovely appearance, his temper is very rough and he often treats people with a superior attitude. The fireball can be used, and when he meet someone he hate, he will want to burn them with fireballs. However, occasionally there will be times when he pretend to be cute.

Use the fireball mentioned earlier as a weapon, in the air using the light body to dodge the opponent's attack. However, he is not good at fighting, so it is difficult for him to defeat their opponents alone, so he is mostly responsible for support in the Guild Moonlight.

Related Arts

Moonlight Nocturne