
Color Palette

  • Eyes, Gemstones, Patterns around Gemstones

  • Body

  • Hair

  • Pattern of Feet, Tongue, Lock and Key

  • Horns, Belly

  • Inside of Ears, Paw Pads

  • Ivies

Name Chimera
Species Spirit of Labyrinth
Attribute Earth
Pronoun She / Her
Age Unknown
Height 2.4m
Preferred Hand Both
Favorite Color Green
  • #Lunartian
  • #Inflation
  • #Transformation


The girl who claims to be a fan of mazes. Her real identity is the ancient maze "Labyrinth", the result of the continuous accumulation of magic to manifest as a magical creature. After getting the body can move freely, it changed to the identity of the explorer to explore other mazes. By the way, it seems to be a recent event to become a Chimera.

Gentle and friendly personality, a little natural nerd. Curiosity is strong, especially in the investigation of the maze can not help but get excited. Because she is also a maze, the knowledge of the maze is very rich, but the general knowledge is a bit lacking. In the guild of the moon is a valuable girl, but she does not feel self-conscious about the fact that she is a girl.

Although she is strong and powerful, she is better at magic than fighting. The best trick "trap maker" can instantly summon a trap to attack the opponent, or make an invisible trap to lure the opponent into it. Magic patience is very strong, and will almost never fall into an abnormal state. The battle power is very strong, but the tactics are completely clueless.