
Color Palette

  • Body

  • Eyes

  • Patterns of Body

  • Tongue

Assumed Name Sawyer
Species Succuballoons
Gender Succubus
Pronoun They / Them (She / Her)
Age Unknown
Height 1.5m
Preferred Hand Both
Favorite Color Red
  • #Succuballoon
  • #Balloonie
  • #Inflation
  • #Macro
  • #InflatableTF(Ability)
  • #Transformation


A red fox-like succuballoon. Sawyer is very good at both transformation and seduction techniques, so that even the victims who are not interested in balloons will be fascinated. Comparatively, Sawyer has almost forgotten the ability to transform into a male body, but they don't mind it at all. Sawyer is also good at changing the appearance of victims.

Sawyer spent some time trained in the eastern countries and mastered her ability as a succubus. Sawyer often competes with Aubrey, who has similar qualifications. She gets along well with other Succubaloons, especially Taylor.