
Color Palette

  • Body

  • Eyes, Ribbon

Name Blissbat
Nickname Blissy
Gender Unknown
Pronoun She / Her
Age Unknown
Height 0.1m~0.5m
Preferred Hand Both
Favorite Color Pink
  • #Lunartian
  • #BalloonieTF(Situation)
  • #Inflation
  • #Transformation
  • #Flattening
  • #Macro


A white bat with magic power. Though her gender is unknown, she always acts like a cute girl.

She used to live in "Lunartia" and was one of the familiar spirits of Vampire. After meeting Wingfox, she became Wingfox's familiar spirit and got her name. She usually calls herself "Blissy". She can change the size of her body within a certain range, and the size of the ribbon on her neck can be changed as well. Just like her former master, she is a vampire bat, and she usually tries to suck Wingfox's blood.