Puffy World


Puffy World is a place that balloonie animals called "animalloons" live in. Animalloons enjoy their lives of floating, inflation, and sometimes festivals. There are also dwellers with odd personalities who often create problems...


Puffy World

Puffy World

A world full of balloons where the funny balloonie creatures "Animalloons" live. At the center is a castle that only a few ones can enter, while the surrounding areas are made up of the Animalloons' residences and the squares for festivals and events.


"Animalloons" are balloonie creatures that have the shapes of animals. They are light and airy like balloons. They inflate and deflate with their mouths or the inflation outlets on their tails. Animalloons can be restored to their original state in a short time even if they burst, so they don't worry much about bursting.


Ordinary residents that are the most numerous Animalloons in Puffy World. They are not bound by any roles and just enjoy their live freely.

The bodies of all dwellers are brightly colored. There is only one group of colors on one dweller. They have a main color, light patterns (maybe no) and dark patterns. The dark patterns never cover the knot on their tail.


Animalloons who work hard for the dwellers. There is one staff and one police for each region, and they do not have individual names.

Staff: The professional helpers who responds to the requests of the dwellers. They have white bodies and blue eyes

Police: They keep the peace of Puffy World. They have black bodies and yellow eyes.

Minister: The head of the workers. There is only one in the world.

The King

The greatest Animalloon in Puffy World. Although he is called "The King", he does not actually rule the world.